09 Aug, 2020

Honor the fins – an underwater exhibition at Mi Xun

In Sharks We Trust is bringing the topic into further discussion through their range of campaigns and projects. We are delighted to support ISWT as we hold an underwater exhibition, HONOR THE FINS, at Mi Xun swimming pool – an unprecedented creative undertaking showing the fashion activism work from ISWT, against the global shark fin industry.

Since 1987, the Discovery Channel has broadcasted a special "Shark Week" series every year devote to conservation efforts and correcting misconceptions about sharks. This year's "Shark Week" is from 9th to 16th of August, we want to draw people's attention to the issue of shark killing.

It’s been over two decades since the beginning of the global anti-shark-finning movement. Protests, Celebrity campaigns,  attempts to define protected areas, Which did lead to various levels of fishing and shipping bans around the world, yet after all these years, the trade is STILL there.
In May, Hong Kong Customs seized 26 tons of shark fins. In one way, the news was shocking – yet anyone who has lived in China is aware of the continued prevalence of shark fin soup on restaurant menus.

In Sharks We Trust (ISWT) is bringing the topic into further discussion through their range of campaigns and projects. We are delighted to support ISWT as we hold an underwater photo exhibition, HONOR THE FINS, at MI XUN Swimming Pool - An unprecedented creative undertaking showing the fashion activism work from ISWT, against the global shark fin industry.

“Ever since meeting Miao Wang, we’ve been deeply impressed by the passion and dedication she gives to this cause. Never has it been a more important time to be considerate to what we take from nature and what we can give back. Believing in the power of one to make a difference, we hope this initiative will help to raise awareness and educate more people to the plight of the sharks and the oceans they live in.” said Michael Faulkner, General Manager of The Middle House.

This is an exhibition unlike any other – you have to literally immerse yourself in the water to enjoy a submerged experience in an aquatic environment. Emulating diving, people can hear their own breath and feeling the pressure surrounding themselves. Encapsulated in such an immersive experience is one simple yet profound idea – the only thing that connect us and these citizens of Earth in the photographs, is water.
The event launches on 9th of August as ISWT founder Wang Miao, renowned iPhone photographer Justin Phang, Founder of Narwhal Ocean Research Center Shen Jian, Big Blue Scuba Diving PADI instructor-in-training Marion and Chef Jun Wu from Brut Eatery join the panel discussion.
From 10th to 16th of August, the Underwater photo exhibition will be officially open to the public. Ticket price is RMB 200 per person including 2hr access to the MI XUN pool. (Swimwear is available for sale on site; Bring your own goggles and caps!). Available for booking 7 days in advance. Slots will open up daily. 
As part of the closing event on the morning of the 15th, PURE will be joining us to lead an ocean/shark themed morning yoga class: Ocean Flow.

The event’s net proceeds will be donated by ISWT to support WildAid’s global shark conservation initiatives.

About Film Exhibition
The show HONOR THE FINS is in two parts:
IN WAY OF BEAUTY took place at one the Shanghai’s biggest seafood market. Two beautiful sharks and their fins embody the objection against shark finning and the overconsumption of seafood. Juxtaposing the vulnerability of men and the gruesome hustle, the images are a side product. 
SHARKS’ CHEF is the united voice of chefs against shark fin restaurants, from 9 of Shanghai’s most respected masters of food who believe in the equality of Man and Nature, giving dignity back to sharks and our oceans through a conscious, sustainable food future.

Chef Tony from Sui Tang Li, a Shanghai native, apprentice of a famous chef who made one of the best shark fin soups in China – because back in the day the benchmark for a good cook is one who makes a good shark fin soup. He used to only see the fins as an ingredient until he realised it’s not, and the unsustainability behind something utterly flavorless. He never made another bowl of shark fin soup since 1996.

About ISWT
Featuring the iconic prints of real whale sharks, In Shark We Trust Sharks is the first premium sustainable swimwear brand with 100% net profit dedicated to shark & ocean conservation. With the goal to rebrand conservation, ISWT is a pioneer in fashion activism with ongoing creative projects and community events.

We believe where mistake were made, changes can happen too.

The Middle House
No. 366 Shi Men Yi Road, Jing’an District, Shanghai 200041
T: +86 21 3216 8199
E: guestexperience@themiddlehousehotel.com



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