20 Aug, 2021

The Impact of Space: Benjamin Chan

Founder of Hong Kong-based leather goods brand Grams 28, Benjamin Chan, illustrates and shares the different spaces in his life that contribute to his creativity and provide him respite.

By Benjamin Chan, Founder of Grams 28

Benjamin Chan is the founder of Grams 28, a Hong Kong-based brand that creates high quality handmade leather goods, prioritising transparency of the process and source of every raw material used. Over the past few years, he has worked closely with us to design and produce bespoke leather goods for our brands. He continues to be a partner in which we collaborate with in various projects.


What is space to you? 

‘Space’ could mean many things; a tangible, physical area conceived in three linear dimensions or an abstract concept of the distance between self and another person. To me, a comfortable space means somewhere I could feel belong and natural, a thoughtfully-design surrounding where I can be my total self.

Tell us about a favourite private space. 

The kitchen is where I get creative and give life to new recipes. This is a place where I feel entirely comfortable, to focus on the process of making food and to take a short break from everything else.



Tell us about your favourite public space.

This is actually a spot in Hong Kong where I picked up surfing as my new hobby ever since social distancing. I would call this ‘my happy space’, the world quiets down as I patiently wait for a sound wave, it’s just me and the ocean at that moment - the waves of the sea help me get back to me.


Tell us about a favourite space at one of our hotels.

Once I set foot in the lobby of The Middle House, it feels like entering another universe. The chandelier, the bamboo tiles and the floral fragrance create a sense of place. It is pretty hard to pick a specific corner as all the houses are unique on their own, but The Middle House will always remain a special space in my heart as it reminds me of the excitements of a new adventure.

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