28 Dec, 2022

Updated Memories: Bringing Together the Past, Present and Future

Four cities. Countless moments to remember. During Updated Memories, The House Collective reconnected with the past to bring it forward to the present, in anticipation of the future – through cocktails, visuals and music curated by global tastemakers - – Verbal (Ambush), Dr. Woo, Benji B and Yoyo Cao.

This autumn, The House Collective reconnected with our global community after a few long years apart. Through our Updated Memories campaign, we rediscovered Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Chengdu with the help of our mixologists, local content creators and global tastemakers as we delved into their memories and impressions of the four cities our Houses call home.

The campaign brought the essence of each property and its city to life through cocktails, music and visuals – with each expression representing the past, present and future of each city respectively. 

To call upon the past, our mixologists drew on their memories to create cocktails evocative of their city. To represent the present, local creatives produced short films depicting the cities in their current forms though a personal lens. Looking into the future, friends of our Houses coined the Global Nomads – Verbal (Ambush), Dr. Woo, Benji B and Yoyo Cao – curated playlists in anticipation of their next visits, capturing the spirit and energy of their relationship with each place. 

Across Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Chengdu, each House held a celebration where our communities reconnected in person over our Updated Memories cocktails. “House Frequencies” playlist and the short films played as guests chatted, reminisced, and laid plans for the future. 

For friends farther afield, Updated Memories travelled abroad and brought The House Collective experience beyond our four cities. Two pop-ups featuring our cocktails were hosted at likeminded partner venues Temple Bar in New York City and Night Hawk in Singapore.

In the digital space, we brought all these elements together through a sleek digital zine for our global audience to experience. No matter where in the world our friends and communities are, Updated Memories offered a space to reconnect through the ethos of our Houses.

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